One major takeaway I got from this term is planning skill. In this project, there were several steps I needed to do before I reached the final product. These intermediate steps can sometimes overlap with one another. At first, I did not plan out the steps that could help me to finish the project, I struggled and wasted time toward the end to have to do overlapped intermediate steps I did before. If I was to plan ahead, I can eliminate some of these works which helped me to reduce the time that I spent on these steps. Through this project, I learned about precious time. People can control the time that is given for them. If people cannot control their time well, they will lose these times and cannot take them back. Even though I know that time is something that I cannot get back, I always take time for granted because I thought I still have a lot of time. By working on this project, I learned that by setting deadlines, I know that I have to complete these tasks within a certain period of time. I do not have all the time in the world for me to complete these. I learned that before I start working on the project, I need to look at the final product and write detailed steps for me to reach to the final product. Also by doing this method, I will not leave anything out since I already have the checklist that I have to complete. This skill will be really helpful for me to apply as a UO student. As a student, I will have to work on many projects. Through the use of planning skills, I can save time to spend on the project. Also, I know which one task takes priority first for me to work on. With the overview of time estimate to finish a project, I can work more efficiently and strengthen my time management skill. This is a really important skill to have because time would not be wasted along with more work can be completed. By planning these tasks to the smallest detail, I can take control of myself and time. I will not waste a single minute trying to work on the tasks that I already worked on before. Planning out everything ahead is more than just planning, it helps me to save time and be more flexible with my work. As much as the project itself is important, I learned that I should take the time out at the beginning to plan out my project in detail. These times that I would take to planning can save me more time during these intermediate steps that I have to do to finish the projects. I will take this skill as both student and employee. This skill is so essential because it can plan out my time wisely. Besides time, I can keep track of my progress and see how am I doing with the project to see if I need to change control of the speed that I need to spend on the tasks in order for me to have more quality projects. Since I have a good sense of my strengths and weaknesses, I can spend more time on the tasks that require my weaknesses and spend less time on the tasks that require my strengths. By doing this, I can be more flexible toward my work. Planning is an important skill that I can utilize for both school and work.
Image Credit: Black Marker on Notebook by Estée Janssens